Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

b. public places and and places of interest

There are composting, equipped for several interesting tours fill health (landfill) is often considered together in the eyes of many people. Aware of this, Regency Mojokerto tried to change it. Now, the landfill Hamlet Sambeng, hemisphere Middle Village, district Mojosari be attractive and comfortable visit. The time was lloviznando. In front of the landfill, some people sit in the cowshed. Two entries, only one open. So, too, especially to a company car stool. ' ' Between. Bicycle carried her ' ', said one of the posts. To see his speech, showing the landfill often has received requests. Understandably, last days, the local Government to promote tourism as a local students of their goals was Mojosari landfill. We hope that the students can take a lesson from that place. One of composting. New to set foot in the area of the landfill, two eyes were treated to a variety of direct and sprung in composting plants. Imam Bayhaqi older, unmarried, young were trying to shut down. It is one of three people who work there. This young Ward began to explain the benefits of composting tubes. There are ten silos ' ', ' ' said Zacky, called Ahmad Bayhaqi family to explain the number of tubes of composting. Every day, landfill is located in the middle of rice fields always were there working. If night care for its officers. Apart from cleaning and make composting, Zacky also treat employees as plants. It is understandable that there are a large number of plants. Even with those things. There is also a gown, ornamental plants. Composting ' ' Like this, once a week to give water. If the plants, as well as the rainy season it no drains ' ', said. For a composting only, since three years. Previously, wasn't there. Only to spill pembungan waste. Both from home and market. The existence of composting, waste is classified. The selection can be made by the scavengers. Those who choose items which are all inorganic. In the meantime, organic waste composting is processed through composting. Rubbish ' ' milled organic. Then put in these silos ' ', said.
For the process to become fertilizer, require a time in a month. The process was written quickly. This is because waste ground before. From tube composting, waste has become fertilizer, inserted directly into a plastic bag. There are five kilograms ' ' there also 10 pounds ' ', said while showed a photo of clearer picture of the composting process. During this time, the compost is not yet on sale everywhere. Some are only used for growing plants in the area of landfill. And, in part, sometimes there are visitors who buy. In fact, other students, the landfill was visited occasionally by ordinary people. Usually yes ' ' to see this composting ' ', said. Not far from the stage of composting, exactly one of the corners of the landfill, construction of the cabin large. Shack customarily used to relax guests. Resting in the cabin, visitors can see various plants. In addition, far ahead of visible separation of scavengers spam activity. One by one garbage collected. Does not stop there. Zacky I was walking up the rear. Berpaving along the way, approached the management of fish ponds and feces in biogas. A few small fish in the pond, seeks to trying to find a grave. This tube ' ' for the indicator. If the fish die, means that the water is dangerous ' ', said. To explain the existence of the pool, it shows you where the feces of processing. Biogasnya ' ' That already exists and has been used for cooking in the Office ' ', said.

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